

On 14th December 2023, the HAEVA rig successfully completed the P&A of 3 subsea wells at the Gawain field in the UK Southern North Sea, including the removal of the associated subsea infrastructure.

Gawain, a subsea tieback to the former Thames platform, was decommissioned by Petrodec, acting as well operator on behalf of Perenco UK.

After 160 days of HAEVA operation and over 340 air dives, the completion of this project marks a major milestone for Perenco UK, Petrodec and the wider Perenco group.

The success of the Gawain subsea campaign adds to the growing repertoire of Petrodec skills and ensures Petrodec can continue to support Perenco UK on future subsea decommissioning projects in the years ahead, including Arthur, Durango and Davy.